Well its Graduation time 2011. Its the time of year that we all reflect (well at least me anyway) on how much has happened over this past school year, how much our children have grown and how our lives will be forever changed. One of my very good friends and co-workers, Denise, has a daughter graduating this year. It has kind of been an emotional year around the office because her daughter is an only child (as is mine) and we wish they just wouldn't grow up so fast :( Yes we have had PLENTY of pity parties this year..... anyway, Denise asked me to help with the Graduation party, and of course being the neurotic crafter, party organizer, helper, friend that I am I said YES! She decided she wanted to go with a "candy theme". Since I just finished my nieces' sweet treat party I had some {sweet} ideas from blogland :) This is one such idea. Basically it is a Styrofoam ball with lollipops stuck in it. One tip when creating this is make sure to use a secure base to keep it held up. I underestimated how heavy this would be when I bought materials, luckily for me my dad is a carpenter and had some scrap wood to help make the base steady. I then painted the rod, attached ribbon and put the base inside a bucket that was purchased at a local home improvement store. The cute flower shaped chargers are from Hobby Lobby and then we filled them with lifesavers! It would estimate that it took me about 30-45 minutes to do the whole thing, and the best part is it is so simple, you can watch your favorite show while doing it! Happy Crafting~marissa~