
Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Mom has the FLU

Tonight, we went to my moms to get Kendall (mom has the FLU). I explained to Kendall that Ka-KA had the flu and she needed to stay with us so that she would not get sick. Merritt just glared at me as if in disbelief. Merritt get out of the car. But my I don't want the flu. You had the flu shot merritt, you won't get sick. Oh he said and promptly got out of the car ! I guess he thought I was sending him in to get sick.

Cheetah Girls

I got Kendall tickets to see the Cheetah girls this weekend. She is sooooo excited. That is one of her Christmas presents. I hope my mom can go with us. She has the FLU!!!!!!

"The List"

A few nights ago, we were out to dinner and were teasing Merritt by asking if he wanted us to have brother or a sister. He said no, no babies. Why not we kept prodding. Mom it's not on my list.

Friday, November 10, 2006

First Kiss

Merritt" Guess what mom
Me: What
Merritt: I got my first kiss today
Me: Do what?
Merritt: I got my first kiss today
Me: from who
Merritt: Sarah (not here real name, a little girl in his class), I kissed her
Me: Merritt, you keep your lips to yourself!
Merritt: well uuh, I mean uuh, she kisseed me

I can't believe this is already starting aahhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!

Hay ride

Two years ago, Halloween, we all (family) went on a Haunted Hayride. Merritt was only about two and a half at the time, but he still remembers it. The other night we were near the part of town where the hay ride was and he mentioned the hay ride. I told him we could go back if he wanted to. He shook his head no and I asked him why not. He said it was too scary (it really wasn't that scary) and I said he was older know. He told me, "mom, if we go back I am going to have to show them my moves." We were laughing so hard!

merritts- isims

Merritt: Mom, do I have boobs?
Me: Do what?
merritt: Do I have boobs.
Me (with a slight look of shock): No merritt, only women have boobs
Merritt (ponting at his chest): look at my buttons

Where did this child come from?

Monday, November 06, 2006

Merritt's Christmas list

As you may have guessed, the list is about a mile long. The top of it read like this :

four wheeler- a real one

We keep telling him, I am sorry, Santa can't fit that on a sleigh and we cannot afford it. (he thinks his cousins are "rich" because they have a go cart). But the reality is he is getting a blue camoflauge four wheeler on Christmas morning. I can't wait to see his face!

Pep Rally

My friend Diana and I took the kids to the Ned. pep rally for the big game against PNG. My son said he was glad to go and see some "hot cheerleaders". OMG he is only four!!!!

Last soccer game

Merritt 's last soccer game will be this saturday (nov 11). He has done well this year. He does have a had time keeping the ball "in balance". He love to kick it out for some reason =) The other thing he like about soccer is the ... snack after the game. Bur seriously, he has done great. Looking forward to next time.